"An exclusive" is a film adaptation of a short story by a popular Israeli writer Etgar Karet. It is a dark story about a feeling that forces blinded by it people to act in an irrational way.
Laura, after a couple of years of relationship, suddenly walks away without a word of explanation. Szymon [Simon] tries to track her down in order to understand why she had left. However, the girl does everything to not to let a confrontation happen. Finally, the fate joins their ways once again but this time is the last one.
- Genre: Fabularny
- Country: Polska
- Running time: 14
- Year: 2009
Director: Krzysztof Szot
Script: Krzysztof Szot
DOP: Kacper Fertacz
Music: Michał Lorenc
Editing: Kacper Fertacz, Krzysztof Szot
Production company: Lubelska Grupa Filmowa