A summer, lazy day at the beach. The wind unhurriedly turns the pages of a book read by one of the sunbathers stretching in the sand. In boiling sun the bodies seem to melt like ice lollies. Only cold water that delicately washes out the feet brings the relieve. Although the waves caress the sunbaked skin, there are only a few who will venture to swim. There will be more those preferring the shelter of their beach towels. This sluggish morning will get suddenly interrupted by the lunch pause. It won’t be long till the rubbish left by the sunbathers begin their own march and then rest in the sand as the tired, sun setting down will set to sleep. An engaging, erotically swaying “Beach” by Prewencki is an animated impression of one summer day that brings a clear, ecological meaning.
- Genre: Animowany
- Country: Poland
- Running time: 4
- Year: 2013
Director: Paweł Prewencki
Script: Paweł Prewencki
DOP: Paweł Prewencki
Music: Zbigniew Kozub
Editing: Paweł Prewencki
Production company: Studio Mansarda, Uniwersytet Artystyczny w Poznaniu , Fifne Studio