The film “The Internal Ear” poses questions related to the nature of improvisation. The protagonist of the film is Mikolaj Trzaska – saxophonist, bass clarinet player, harmonica player and composer. His artistic biography, an independent path he has been pursuing in an uncompromising way, is both the starting point of the film and the storyline bonding together multilevel narrative of the documentary. Trzaska is undoubtedly one of the greatest personas of the Polish jazz music scene. Trzaska’s artistic work is a universal theme since it is characterised by a specific to artistic disposition anxiety and ambivalence: relentless search for a self-aware language and losing yourself as the necessary means of immersing yourself in the music element.
- Genre: Documentary
- Country: Poland
- Running time: 75
- Year: 2016
- Color: kolorowy
Director: Magdalena Gubała, Szymon Uliasz
Script: Magdalena Gubała, Szymon Uliasz
DOP: Piotr Michalski, Krzysztof Bartuzin
Music: Mikołaj Trzaska
Editing: Maciej Walentowski
Sound: Marcin Lenarczyk
Production company: Magic Production