Economical with words, this documentary tells the story of fishermen working on cutters at the Polish coast of the Baltic Sea. Fishing using nets is hard work performed in silence as it is the best way to bear the harsh conditions in the sea. Despite the unfavourable weather, slanting rain and often modest catch, young people follow in the footsteps of their ancestors in order to arrive at the port in the pale dawn with a few cod on the deck.
- Genre: Documentary
- Country: Poland
- Running time: 13
- Year: 2016
- Color: kolorowy
Director: Sławomir Witek
Script: Sławomir Witek
DOP: Sławomir Witek
Editing: Sławomir Witek, Piotr Chomczyk
Sound: Piotr Pastuszak
Production company: Studio Munka