Kamil Filipek wants to meet his father Ilham Al Madfai. Ilham is a renowned star of the Arabic folk music in the Middle East. The two have never met. The director invites viewers to Kamil’s live, to observe and reflect on the meaning of finding ones’ roots. Can the meeting with his father shed some light on the inner secret – who he really is? This will be not only meeting of two people, but also meeting of two cultures. Kamil represents both of them – raised in Poland, deeply in his soul partly belongs to the East. Does those two cultures can coexist together nowadays?
- Genre: Documentary
- Country: Poland
- Running time: 52
- Year: 2017
- Color: colour
Director: Julia Groszek
Script: Julia Groszek
DOP: Bolesław Kielak
Editing: Hubert Pusek p.s.m.
Sound: Błażej Kanclerz
Production company: Wajda Studio