Eponymous Zhalanash is a port city over the Aral Sea. This place between a great water and a vast desert which used to be a prosperous link of the Soviet economy is just a shadow of its former glory today. In Marcin Sauter’s film, Zhalanash is not only about evocative landscape, but, above all, about the fates of people who invested their hopes and expectations into the place between the sea and the desert and now ponder over their solitude among the wrecks of ships and port cranes.
- Genre: Documentary
- Country: Poland
- Running time: 40
- Year: 2017
- Color: kolorowy
Director: Marcin Sauter
Script: Marcin Sauter
DOP: Marcin Sauter
Music: Jerzy Rogiewicz
Editing: Michał Marczak, Ziemowit Jaworski, Katarzyna Orzechowska
Sound: Marcin Lenarczyk
Production company: Studio Filmowe KRONIKA