“Komodo Dragons” is based on director’s fantasies about two films. The first is a documentary focused on the observation of a group of autistic adults living at the Farm Life (therapy center), and the second one is an impossible story about young parents who want to sacrifice their own son. The first story is associated with two years of workshops and theatrical performance “Paradiso” involving autistic persons, the same who appear in the film. Their scenes are a record of improvisation, leaving space for their imagination, their ways of of expression, individual sensitivity, and their separate status in our society.
The story about the family is informed by the fantasy about the primordial sacrifice. What may become a sacrifice in this secular world – without God or any universal idea? How are reality and film ready for such an uncomfortable, human fantasy?
- Genre: Documentary
- Running time: 70
- Year: 2018
- Color: kolorowy
Director: Michał Borczuch
Script: Michał Borczuch
DOP: Robert Mleczko
Editing: Beata Walentowska
Production company: Michał Borczuch, Nowy Teatr Warsaw