The self-referential nature of Rafał Łysak’s documentary enables the viewer to gain a better understanding of the unique relationship between a twenty-something-old grandson and his grandma. The woman is unable to accept the boy’s homosexuality although he is someone very important for her. Teresa is a women of set views who, due to traditional religiousness, perceives Rafał’s sexual orientation in moral categories. At the same time, she is concerned about his future because she cannot see a different way of life for a young man than a marriage with a woman.
- Genre: Documentary
- Country: Poland
- Running time: 40
- Year: 2018
- Color: kolorowy
Director: Rafał Łysak
Script: Rafał Łysak
DOP: Michał Łuka, Zofia Dąbrowska, Rafał Łysak
Music: Rafał Łysak
Editing: Piotr Wójcik
Production company: Produkcja Filmów Jacek Bławut