Animated film, about the formation of the Master – inspired by the work of Roman Polanski. Surrealistic picture with elements of macabre absurdity situation, metaphorical struggle of matter in shaping man and creator. The “body substance” slides off the window, like the hero of the film “The Tenant.” Paradoxically, another collapse is shaping up a human figure who finally performs a master perfect somersault and strongly lands on the ground. The fully formed pratagonist is Roman Polanski – famous film director.
- Genre: Animated
- Country: Polska
- Running time: 6
- Year: 2018
- Color: kolorowy
Director: Aleksandra Rylewicz, Dominika Fedko, Ewa Drzewicka, Grażyna Trela, Małgorzata Jachna, Małgorzata Jędrzejec, Weronika Kuc
Script: Grażyna Trela
Editing: Weronika Kuc
Sound: Michał Fojcik
Production company: Robert Sowa