Together with the beginning of the month, the aforementioned festival in Clermont Ferrand starts. Two Polish animated films are invited to this year’s competition: “III” by Marta Pajek and “Bless You!” by Paulina Ziółkowska. The festival screenings are accompanied by very popular film market, at which the stall of the POLISH SHORTS, prepared by the Krakow Film Foundation, will also be present. You can find more information about the festival and the film market here.
In the second week of February, the festival Florida Experimental Film/Video will be held, where the film “Monument,” directed by Marcin Giżycki, will be shown. And on the 10th of February starts the Brussels Independent Film Festival, in the programme of which “Nebula” by Marcin Nawrotka is included. The animated film will also be shown in the competition at the Spanish festival ANIMAC.
In one of the competition sections at this year’s Berlinale, there is the Polish animated film “Story” directed by Jola Bieńkowska. The film will have its premiere there. You can read more about it here.
At the turn of February and January, the New York International Children’s Film Festival will be held. The animated film “Bless You!” is invited to one of the competitions.
The full list of the festival screenings is available here.