Krzysztof and Ida inhabit and administrate an old tenement house in Zlota Street, in the heart of Warsaw, which Krzysztof inherited from his Jewish ancestors. The property has been restored to the descendants of its lawful owners during the reprivatization process. Their story intermingles with the stories of their multicultural neighbors, a 94-year-old retired accountant, an Afghani man and his Ukrainian wife or a refugee from Syria. Zlota is a story about contemporary Poland, about looking for your own place in the world and about painful relationships with loved ones.
- Genre: Documentary
- Country: Poland
- Running time: 84
- Year: 2019
- Color: colour
Director: Tomasz Knittel
Script: Tomasz Knittel
DOP: Maciej Puczynski
Music: José Manuel Albán Juárez
Editing: Arkadiusz Iwaniuk
Production company: Maciej Puczynski, Tomasz Knittel