BALKANIMA is the European Animated Film Festival, which is held annually in Belgrade. The organisers offer the viewers a selection of Serbian and Balkan productions from the last year, but what captures attention are the international competitions, in which films from all over Europe are presented.
As many as three Polish animated films are invited to the student film competition this year. The following films compete for the awards: “You Are Overreacting” by Karina Paciorkowska, “Leather” by Karolina Borgiasz and “Ovule” by Natalia Durszewicz. In turn, the films “Colaholic” by Marcin Podolec and “Story” by Jola Bańkowska will vie for the best international animated film award.
In the very elite group of six European animated films in the section Panorama, there is the award-winning production “Acid Rain,” directed by Tomek Popakul.
This year’s edition of the BALKANIMA is held from the 1st to the 6th of October.
You can find more information about the festival on its official website.