The animated film by Karolina Specht was appreciated by the jury of the Hungarian festival PRIMANIMA.

The Primanima World Festival of First Animations was created in 2012 in Budaörs, Hungary. The festival is dedicated to diploma films, student films and debut films made outside the film school.

The animated film by Karolina Specht, which won the special mention, was not the only Polish film that you could watch at the festival. Seven Polish animated films were included in the programme, and as many as five had a chance to win awards. In addition to “Squaring the Circle” the Jury evaluated “The Other” by Marta Magnuska, “You Are Overreacting” by Karina Paciorkowska, “My Strange Elder Brother” and “Oh, God!” by Bettina Brożek. In the non-competing section, you could watch “Norma” by Agata Mianowska and “Thicket” by Adrianna Matiwiejczuk.

The award-winning “Squaring the Circle” is a semi-abstract tale about a certain impossible affection, told using graphic metaphors. At first glance, it seems that the Square lives amid chaos and changes. But when we look for the second time, we notice that the system in which he functions keeps on repeating, it introduces routine and hypnotises, not allowing to make any movements. Once upon a time, a new element creeps into the system and for a moment, it allows the Square to look at the reality a little differently.

The list of all award-winning films can be found here.