Teresa Czepiec's short documentary received an Honourable Mention at the Visioni Urbane festival in Italy.

Visioni Urbane is a small festival dedicated to independent short films about architecture and public spaces. The event is organised by the City Space Architecture association in Bologna.

This year, “Super Unit” by Teresa Czepiec was invited into the festival’s competition. The film received an Honourable Mention.

The eponymous Super Unit is a huge apartment building designed as a “housing machine”. Up to three thousand people can inhabit its 15 floors. The elevator stops every three floors, so residents have to conquer a real maze of corridors and stairwells to reach their flats. The documentary focuses on people living in the Super Unit and going through important moments of their lives inside it. This is where their emotions throb, expectations are born, and their desires come true – or don’t. 762 apartment doors and 762 stories. We are only opening a few of them.

You can learn more about the festival here.