The short fiction film directed by Karolina Porcari has been recognised as the best production at the 3rd edition of the Fernando Di Leo Short Film Festival.

The Fernando Di Leo Short Film Festival is an event dedicated to short films that has been running for three years. The festival’s name is a tribute to Fernando Di Leo, a renowned Italian director and screenwriter who specialised in genre cinema. The event attracts both novice filmmakers and experienced artists, offering a platform to showcase creative and innovative films.

This year, the title of best production went to Karolina Porcari and her film Victoria.

The main character of the film is Amelia, an attractive middle-aged woman who has been married for many years to a medieval battle re-enactor. The relationship gradually becomes stale and fails to provide sexual fulfilment for the woman. The fifty-year-old is not even aware of her own desires and needs. What has remained dormant throughout her life begins to awaken when she finds a mysterious package at the doorstep of her apartment.

You can find all the necessary information about the festival here.