“Charcoal Burners’s” successful story begun in Estonia where the film was considered as the best short documentary. Afterwards Złotorowicz’s etude was awarded in Sankt Petersburg, Croatia and three times in France. The film has been collecting the prizes also overseas. At the REGARD festival in Canadian Saguenay it was given the Award for the Best Documentary, whereas in the USA it reached the podium two times: at the Washington DC Independent Film Festival (Grand Jury Award For Short) and Taos Shortz Film Fest (Award for the Best Documentary).
However, the list of prizes does not end up here. Recently, again in the USA, “Charcoal Burners” received the Award for the Best International Short Documentary at the Kansas City FilmFest. The jury was composed of: Meaghan Brander – senior programmer from the Toronto International Film Festival & Film Circuit, Don Lewis – documentary filmmaker and writer for FilmThreat, and Todd Luoto – senior shorts programmer for Sundance Film Festival.
“Charcoal Burners” is a story about Marek and Janina who work in the Bieszczady mountains making charcoal every summer. Far away from civilization, they live in the midst of the mountains following the rhythm dictated by nature.
It is worth to add that “Charcoal Burners” will be available to view for the accreditated film professionals during Cannes Short Film Corner (click here).
More about Kansas City FilmFest can be found here.