Polish animated films won two main awards and four special mentions at the Animated Film Forum in Cairo, which ended today, February 25. The award-winning films are "Lost Senses" by Marcin Wasilewski, "Darling" by Izabela Plucińska and "Baths" by Tomek Ducki.

Animated Film Forum in Cairo, which was held from 19 to 25 February, was organised for the eighth time, but it was the first time when it had international character. The first international edition of the forum was very successful for Polish animated film makers – they won two main awards and four special mentions. 

The film "Lost Senses", produced by GS Animation and directed by Marcin Wasilewski, won the First Prize in the Animated Film Competition and Special Mention for the best music. "Lost Senses" is a short story of a certain meeting in an abstract world á la De Chirico. The rendez-vous takes place on an island, drifting in the sky. The protagonist rushes forward as if he were a parkour practitioner.  However, he has to be watchful to find his beloved. A moment's carelessness can make him lose all his senses.

"Darling" by Izabela Plucińska was honoured with the First Prize in the Innovative Trial Competition and two special mentions – for the best animation and the best design. This clay animation deals with the topic of memory loss. In the labyrinth of fear, the close ones turn into strangers, and home – into a trap. Groping her way, tracking the familiar objects and shapes, the protagonist tries to return to life which used to be her own. The film is a moving image of being lost and alienated as well as trying to make a whole out of pieces which do not fit together. 

"Baths" by Tomek Ducki, produced by Studio Miniatur Filmowych, shown and awarded at many festivals, was awarded in Cairo for the best screenplay. The film's protagonists are two elderly swimmers, who meet in the baths to participate in a swimming ritual together. However, this time they dive deeper than usual.

You can find more information about the forum on its website.