The film by Jerzy Kucia won as many as three nominations in the animated film category – the nomination for the Grand Prix, the nomination for the best foreign animated film and the nomination for the best imagery and visual effects. The picturesque animated film by Joanna Jasińska-Koronkiewicz, "It's Quite True" is among the films nominated for the jury's special mention. At the 13th edition of the event, animated films got nominations in as many as 12 categories. The names of this year's competition winners will be announced on November 4.
"Fugue For Cello, Trumpet and Landscape" by Jerzy Kucia is a meditative story, made in the poetic film form based on relation between image and music. The film presents the process of searching for the specificity of a landscape and releasing human emotions by recalling events which took place in the landscape depicted here. The film by Jerzy Kucia has already won nine awards at festivals in Poland and abroad.
Another Polish film among the nominees is "It's Quite True" by Joanna Jasińska-Koronkiewicz. The film adaptation of a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen is a funny, but indeed very true story of a rumour. This subject matter has always been relevant, and it is particularly valid now, in the time when audiovisual media, tabloids and the Internet develop. The film is set on the outskirts of a certain Hen's Town, and deals with a growing rumour about a noble hen that lost one tiny feather. The story, transmitted from mouth to mouth, or rather from beak to beak, turns into a "dramatic" story about five hens that "died" of love for a rooster. The behaviour of hens and other birds reflects in a distorting mirror human reactions and emotions connected to the dissemination of gossip. The film's producer is TV Studio of Animation Films in Poznań.
The Gold Panda awards are granted every two years since 1991 at the Sichuan TV Festival. This year, in the animated film category, the organisers received 404 films from 42 countries.
You can read more about the Gold Panda awards here