LIM - LESS IS MORE 2018 - International call for projects! If you’re writing your first, second or third feature, LIM is for you. If you’re ready to work within a limited budget in exchange for greater creative freedom, LIM is for you. If you believe that brainstorming with script consultants and other filmmakers from all around the world on the top of a mountain in Transylvania or in a remote fishing village on Brittany’s coast can strengthen your screenplay, LIM is for you.

We invite you to take part in the 2nd edition of the Less Is More project co-organized by our long-term partner – Krakow Festival Office. LIM was created to serve filmmakers who are just entering the world of feature fiction films.
LIM offers a new generation of filmmakers, already acknowledged for their short films or first features, the opportunity of designing their own route into limited budget feature film production. The project is also open to artists coming from theatre, documentary and visual arts. LIM consists of 3 workshops in 3 different European countries (France, Romania, Poland) between March and October 2018. Regular deadlines and online sessions insure a regular exchange and supervision over the period of 9 months. In addition to actual script development, the scheme involves meeting potential producers or co-producers and financial partners.
LIM’s first year involved 16 projects from 15 countries and proved how incredibly big added value comes from combining forces in order to maximize narrative power in the service of creative freedom.
More details about LIM and how to apply can be found on lim-lessismore.eu.
Deadline 30th of October, 2017