During the Saturday award ceremony, two Polish films won the prizes. As the first one, the documentary by Łukasz Borowski – "3 days of freedom" received a Special Diploma awarded by the students’ jury. The film tells the story of Piotr, who leaves prison after a longtime term and tries to find his place in the world again during three-day-long pass. It is already the third festival, apart from Visions du reel and Huesca, at which "3 days of freedom" received a special mention. Wajda School is the producer of the film by Łukasz Borkowski.
It is yet another good year for Poles at Message to Man festival. At the last year edition of the festival in St. Petersburg, two films were awarded: the animated "The lost town of Świteź" by Kamil Polak and short fiction "Glasgow" by Piotr Subbotko.