Represented by KFF Sales&Promotion the animated film directed by Tomek Popakul was appreciated for its script at Ottawa International Animation Festival. Another award goes to Marta Pajek, she won for the Best Commissioned Animation with trailer made for Tricky Women/Tricky Realities Animation Festival.

The Ottawa International Animation Festival (OIAF) is the oldest and, at the same time, the most important event dedicated to the animated film in North America. The history of the Canadian festival began in 1976, with the first edition of the International Animation Festival, which was then organised every two years.

In this year’s festival programme, in addition to the award-winning trailer and “Acid Rain” by Tomek Popakul, you could find several other productions made by Polish animated film-makers. The following films also competed for the awards: “The Rain” by Piotr Milczarek, “Last Supper” by Piotr Dumała, and in the children’s film section, the co-production “The Kite”  by Martin Smatana had a chance to win awards. In the non-competing sections, you could find the animated films “Tango of Longing” by Marta Szymańska and “Portrait of Suzanne” by Izabela Plucińska.

The Canadian festival is extremely lucky for Marta Pajek. Last year, the animated film-maker won the award for the best imagery in the film “III”, and now she was triumphant as the author of the most interesting commercial animated film, the advertisement made for the Austrian festival Tricky Women. You can watch the award-winning trailer here.

You can find more information about the Canadian festival on its official website.