This time, the animated film by Tomek Popakul was appreciated both by the audience and the Jury of the Animafest Zagreb. The film was chosen as the best professional short animated film at the festival.

The Animafest Zagreb is one of the most important and the oldest film festivals dedicated entirely to the animated film.  The first edition was held in 1972 and since then, the festival has been recognised and successful both among the film industry and the audience who loves animated film. This year, the festival was held from the 3rd of June to the 9th of June.

“ACID RAIN” was not the only Polish film which was shown in Zagreb. This year, the following films competed for the awards in the student animated film section: “My Strange Elder Brother” by Julia Orlik and “An eye for an eye” by Julia Płoch. In the feature-length film category, the jury evaluated the feature-length  “Another Day of Life” by Damian Nenow and Raul de la Fuente. In the non-competing section, the film “Mud” by Alicja Błaszczyńska was shown.

The award-winning animated film is set somewhere in Eastern Europe. Młoda runs away from home, as far away from the grey reality as possible. The initial excitement of the hitch-hiking journey subsides when she ends up on the outskirts of the city in the middle of the night. On the bridge, she notices a figure dangerously balancing on the railing. This is how she meets Chudy, a little bit unbalanced freak. Chudy lives in a recreational vehicle which he drives in order to attend to his not necessarily legal errands. Młoda decides to join Chudy. Their road together takes them to increasingly strange regions, and an unnamed bond quickly forms between them.

You can find more information about the festival here.