This time, Tomek Popakul's animation was recognized by the jurors of the Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film. This year's festival was held entirely online.

Stuttgart Trickfilm International Animated Film Festival has been very popular among animation fans for years. The festival organizers make sure that the program is rich and diverse. In addition to competitions for the best full-length and short animation, the viewers can also enjoy special screenings and a sections with films for children. This year’s 27th edition of the festival took place on May 5-10 on the Internet.

This year’s festival program included two Polish animations. Next to the winning “Acid Rain” the audience could watch the co-production of “Portrait of Suzanne” by Izabela Plucińska.

Tomek Popakul’s animation is set somewhere in Eastern Europe.Young runs away from home, as far as possible from the gray town. The initial excitement of hitchhiking goes down as she ends up on the outskirts of the city in the middle of the night. On the bridge, she notices a figure balancing dangerously on the rail. This is how she meets Skinny, who is a bit unstable freak. Skinny lives in a motorhome, which he drives, not necessarily dealing with legal errands. Young decides to get on with Skinny. Their common path leads to increasingly stranger regions, and an unnamed bond quickly forms between them.

More information about the festival can be found on its official website.