The Les Enfants Terribles festival, taking place in the Belgian town Huy, presents debut short films made by young European directors. The event, organized by the non-profit organization FIDEC, has evolved from a student film festival, which has been taking place under the same name for 12 years. 28 films, selected from over 300 entries, have been screened in the festival’s competition. Two Polish films have been chosen to the competitive group. Apart from the already mentioned “All Souls’ Day”, the multiple award winning animation “Bear me” directed by Kasia Wilk, a Łódź Film School student, also fought for the honors.
Last night three juries (the main jury, the press jury and the youth jury) announced the winners in no less than 8 competitive categories. The Polish “All Souls’ Day” received the Best Film award in the international competition, given by the youth jury. Since its’ premiere in autumn last year, Aleksandra Terpińska’s etude has already been awarded eight times, and only during last year the film has been included in the programs of more than 35 film festivals abroad. The producer of this etude, made by Terpińska in her third year, is the Krzysztof Kieślowski Radio and Television Faculty of the University of Silesia in Katowice.
To be born on the All Soul’s Day is a paradox one has to face for the whole life. It’s the celebration and joy of the birthday and the sorrow for those, who are gone. It’s the day of the power of life and the force of death. There are candles on tombstones and candles on the birthday cake. It is also a turning point, as the protagonist makes a plan to unravel a mystery. On this birthday, Lena will try to solve some of her problems and… she will grow up.
You can find out more about the festival at its’ website, as well as on facebook.