This month, intensive festival traffic quietens down a bit, however, Polish animated films will be included in the catalogues of film festivals in Kosovo, Austria and Italy.

The month began with the opening screening of O!PLA Across the Borders #3 – the third season of international screening of Polish animated film from the O!PLA programme, the organiser and originator of which is Piotr Kardas. The screenings were held from July 31 to August 2 in the Greek city of Nafplio. It is yet another season of O!PLA Across the Borders. This project accompanies the nationwide Polish animated film festival O!PLA. 

The first competition screening this month was marked by the screening of the film by Natalia Dziedzic,  "Endemit's Greed", within the frames of the Italian film festival La Guarimba. The film by Natalia Dziedzic can boast over sixteen festival screenings and constantly gets new invitations. 

On August 8 starts the 14th edition of the International Documentary and Short Film Festival Dokufest, where the animated film "Summer 2014" by Wojciech Sobczyk will be shown in the competition. It is the only Polish animated film which participates in the competition. Last year Sobczyk scored the nomination for European Film Awards in the cathegory of short films. 

In the similar period started also this year's edition of the Austrian short film festival Alpinale. In the competition, three Polish animated films participated: "An Incredibly Elastic Man" by Karolina Specht, "under_construction" by Marcin Wojciechowski and "But she's nice…" by Tomasz Pilarski. The festival ended on August 15th and one of the awards went to Marcin Wojciechowski and his animation. This is the firts award for “under_construction”. 

A screening of two Polish animated films will be held within the frames of the German festival Plotzlich Am Meer. The festival viewers will see two films produced within the frames of the "Young Animation" programme in Munk Studio:"Emperor's Toys" and the award-winning "Noise."

The month ends with the competition screening of "Mono canne" – the latest film by Marcin Giżycki at the Irish Underground Film Festival. Marcin Giżycki is an experimental film-maker, and his "FFF1" was shown at many international festivals.  

The full list of festival screenings in August can be found here