Festivals in March promise very well. Only this month, Polish animated films will be present in the programmes of sixteen animated film festivals. There are over hundred screenings in store.

The month began with the participation of two Polish animated films in non-competing section of the prestigious Tampere festival. In the programme of the Finnish festival, "Summer 2014" by Wojciech Sobczyk and "Millhaven" by Bartek Kulas – one of the most popular animated films of 2010 – were shown. 45th edition of the Tampere festival ended last Sunday. 

On March 11 starts this year's edition of the Austrian festival Tricky Women, the organisers of which annually choose the best animated films made by women to participate in the festival. This year, "An Incredibly Elastic Man" by Karolina Specht will compete for the festival laurels, and "To Thy Heart" by Ewa Borysewicz and "The Tenement Building" by Agnieszka Burszewska will be shown at accompanying screenings. The festival lasts to the half of the month. Exactly in the same time (11-15 March), there are two other festivals showing, among others, Polish animated films. Within the frames of the eighth edition of Glasgow Film Festival "An Incredibly Elastic Man" will be shown, and in the competition at the Spanish FEC – European Short Film Festival – "Baths" by Tomek Ducki and "Ex Animo" by Wojciech Wojtkowski are to be screened.

Five Polish animated films will be shown at the Spanish festival Mecal, starting on March 12 and lasting the whole month long. In the festival competition, films such as "Hippos" by Piotr Dumała, "Lost Senses" by Marcin Wasilewski and "Endemit's Greed" by Natalia Dziedzic will compete in the festival competition. Festival screenings are held every weekend until April 17, when the names of the award-winners will be announced. Four Polish animated films made it to the competition at the Portuguese Monstra festival. The following films will compete for  the awards: "But she's nice" by Tomasz Pilarski and "Toto" by Zbigniew Czapla. 

In the second half of the month, Holland Animation Film Festival starts in Utrecht, the Netherlands. In the main competition, we will see the latest films by Jerzy Kucia, Piotr Dumała and Marcin Wojciechowski. "Magneticman" by Adam Żądło – the student of Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow – will celebtrate its first screening abroad in the student competition of HAFF.  The Dutch festival is one of the most important points on the map of European events dedicated to animated films. 18th edition of the festival ends on March 22. 

The most popular animated films this month include "Baths" by Tomek Ducki, shown at seven festivals, and "An Incredibly Elastic Man" by Karolina Specht, which will be a guest of five international festivals. 

In March, there are also other screenings in the O!PLA Across the Borders series, within the frames of which films awarded at the O!PLA festival are shown abroad.  This month, O!PLA will visit Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, England and Greece. Each of the screenings include 15 award-winning films, among others,  "Splat! " by Alicja Błaszczyńska," Ars moriendi"  by Miłosz Margańskiand "On/off"  by Piotr Ludwik. 

The full list of animated film screenings in March can be found in "At festivals" tab    .