The short fiction film by Martin Rath, "Arena," won the Best Fiction Student Film Award at the Kinoproba festival in Yekaterinburg. The festival ended on December 4.

"Arena," the latest film by Martin Rath, produced by Polish National Film School in Łódź, won yet another award. The film was appreciated by the jury of the Kinoproba International Film School Festival & Workshop, who awarded it with the prize for the Best Fiction Student Film. This year's, 11th edition of the festival was held in Yekaterinburg, Russia, from 1 to 4 December.

The protagonist of "Arena" is a young hitch-hiker who is taken in by a remote Polish mountain community mountains. Fascinated by the charisma of the people and the wildness of the place, he decides to undergo a test and in this way to constitute his presence in the mountains. The question remains, to whom should we prove our strength?

It is worth adding that the films "Where I can't be found" by Arjun Talwar and "Exhale" by Maciej Wiktor also took part in the competition section at the Kinoproba festival.

You can find detailed information about the festival on its website.