On Saturday, this year’s edition of the Hungarian animated film festival Primanima, dedicated exclusively to animated film debuts, ended. Among the award-winners, there are two Polish films - “Baths” by Tomek Ducki and “Ziegenort” by Tomasz Popakul.

This year, at the Hungarian Primanima, 11 Polish films competed for the awards of the international competition, among others, “To Thy Heart” by Ewa Borysewicz, “A Blue Room” by Tomasz Siwiński and “Lost Senses” by Marcin Wasilewski. Over 400 films were submitted for selection this year, out of which the selection commission chose 34 debut films, 37 diploma films, 23 student films and 22 children’s films to participate in the festival.  

On Saturday, the jury, consisting of three people, announced the names of the winners. The first award-winner of the evening was Tomek Ducki and his film "Baths". The film was given the Special Mention from one of the jurors – Yiorgos Tsangaris – the directors of the Cypriot animated film festival ANIMAFEST, where “Baths” was also given a Special Mention in July. It is already the seconda special mention for Ducki this week – on Tuesday, the film was awarded at the 7th edition of the BANJALUKA festival. Film was produced by the Warsaw-based Studio Miniatur Filmowych and the English studio Peek and Boo.

The second award this evening, which went to the Poles, was given to the film “Ziegenort” by Tomasz Popakul. The film was given the Best Sound award. Michał Fojcik was responsible for sound directing for "Ziegenort".

“Ziegenort” is a story of a teenage fish-boy who has to face the first problems of growing-up.  Last year, the animated film by Popakul was the most popular Polish short film. In 2013 alone, it won 12 international awards and was shown at over 80 festivals. NoLabel studio from Kraków is the film’s producer.

The promotion of “Baths” and “Ziegenort” abroad is supported by Krakow Film Foundation.

You can find the full list of award-winning films of the PRIMANIMA festival here