"Tenderness," directed by Emilia Zielonka, a graduate of Gdynia Film School, based on the script by Agata K. Koschmieder (Lodz Film School) won the Honourable Mention of the Jury at the 57th International Short Film Festival BRNO16.
The jury of the Festival in Brno justified the award for "Tenderness" in the following way: Special mention for excellent acting is awarded to Tenderness by Emillia Zielonka from Poland for the sensitive, powerful emotional acting conveying the intimate complex relationship between two young lovers who have to go through the trauma of abortion.
"Grandma's Day," directed by the graduate of Gdynia Film School, Miłosz Sakowski, with an amazing performance by Anna Dymna, won the Best Short Award at the 17th Polish Film Festival in Los Angeles.