Last Saturday in Oulu, Finland the 4th edition of MusiXine International Music Film Festival came to an end. Among nine music documentaries taking part in the competition Polish “Beats of Freedom” - a story about Polish rock music–was announced the best one!

The com­petition of MusiXine, which was held in Oulu, Fin­land from 17th to 19th March, introduced the diver­sity of music themes–from histories on British pop to images of the birth of reg­gae or apocalyp­tic motives in modern Japanese sounds. Among those varied stories of many kinds also the Polish accent emerged, embodied by Woj­ciech Słota and Leszek Gnoiń­ski’s powerful film–Beats of Freedom. What is more, it also made its way straight to the podium and won the main prize.

The jury–con­sisting of the fol­lowing mem­bers: the New-​York-​based direc­tor and scrip­tw­riter Mar­garita Jimeno, Petri Varis, producer of the Rokumentti rock film festival in the Eastern Fin­nish town of Joen­suu and Janne Nyys­sönen, jour­nalist and music critic–justified their decision with these words:

Beats of Freedom is an inspiring and impor­tant film, with an ener­getic account of the fall of com­munism, and the rise of music as a power­ful source of creativity to com­bat oppres­sion. The direc­tors Woj­ciech Słota and Leszek Gnoiń­ski crafted an impres­sive film incor­porating great use of archival material, sound, music, and new interviews. Remin­ding us of the recent political events, this film speaks to a con­tem­porary audience regar­dless of age, or back­ground, and that music can be more than a product. A must have sound­track for any music lover.

More infor­mation about the festival can be found here.