The animation by Marcin Podolec won Grand Prix of Banjaluka Festival.

Banjaluka International Animation Festival originated from The May Festival of Animated Film which started in 1971 in then Yugoslavia. Nowadays, in the festival’s program we can find not only competition sections but also numerous retrospectives, special screenings and workshops dedicated both to film professionals and amateurs.

10 Polish films were included in this year’s festival program. Following animations took part in the competition: “A New Day” by Katarzyna Pieróg, “Bless You!” by Paulina Ziółkowska,  “REM” by Artur Hanaj and “Squaring the Circle” by Karolina Specht, as well as the festival winner  “Colaholic” by Marcin Podolec.

The Grand Prix winner is a journal of a person who drinks way too many soft drinks, a documentary and a romantic comedy, all in one film.

The review of Marcin Podolec’s film can be found here.

The list of all the winning films can be found on the festival website.