Film tells the story about young boy, whose originality exceeds tolerance of his surroundings. He used to show promise but now he changes into recluse and decides to live on the boat in the middle of the lake. The escape of main character is absurd. This absurd mixed with irony amuses, because is real in XXI century – the century of individuality. Supporting characters bring comic elements. The reality from the main characters point of view seems to be surreal. Everybody seemed to know the main character and his reasons better than himself. But they are wrong. Something happened in the past, but what…? Every spectator has to answer this question.  


  • Genre: Fabularny
  • Country: Polska
  • Running time: 16
  • Year: 2007

Director: Michał Szcześniak

Script: Michał Szcześniak

DOP: Marcin Koszałka

Music: Jan Kanty Pawluśkiewicz

Editing: Piotr Zawitkowski

Production company: Jakub Kosma, Łukasz Szymański

About the director:

Michał Szcześniak

Michał Szcześniak

director and screenwriter. In 2005, he won the best European screenplay award – NISIMASA European Script Contest. The film he directed, based on the script awarded by NISIMASA, “A Boat”, received an many awards in Poland and abroad and was screened at over 30 festivals. Szcześniak is the author of many screenplays such as “Goliath”, “The Dark Side Of The Light” and “The Captain” to name just a few. Szcześniak was also a columnist for o few Polish magazines. From 2010 he has been participating in the documentary course at Wajda School.

At festivals:

Festival de Cannes - Short Film Corner, France, 2007 (screening)

Imaginaria International Film Festival, Conversano, Italy, 2007 (competition)

MedFilm Festival, Roma, Italy, 2007 (screening)

12th Ismalia International Festival For Documentary & Short Films, Egypt, 2008 (screening)

5th LISFF, Slovenia, 2013 (screening)