The story of a teenage hairdresser and make-up artist who embarks on a journey through the wild mountains of Albania with his ex-wrestler father. With no escape from each other, they are forced to face a string of difficulties and dangers together in order, finally, to find their way through. Before the Dawn is both an intimate portrait of a relationship between a father and son and a tribute to an unconditional love which endures against all odds.

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Running time: 27
  • Year: 2016
  • Color: kolorowy

Director: Łukasz Borowski

Script: Łukasz Borowski

DOP: Michał Stajniak

Editing: Marcin Latanik

Sound: Michał Polański

Production company: Studio Munka


About the director:

Łukasz Borowski

Łukasz Borowski

Director and screenwriter. Born in Lodz. Graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration and Lodz Film School as well as Wajda School’s DOK PRO Documentary Program in Warsaw. His first short documentary 3 Days of Freedom won over a dozen awards at film festivals in Poland and abroad. The documentary Runners is his first full-length film.

At festivals:

23rd Hot Docs, Canada, 2016 (competition)

32nd Warsaw Film Festival, Poland, 2016 (screening)

Asiana International Short Film Festival, South Korea, 2016 (competition)

BOGOSHORTS - Bogota Short FF, Colombia, 2016 (competition)

31st Pärnu Film Festival, Estonia, 2017 (competition)

Film Festuval della Lessinia, Italy, 2017 (competition)

CinEast - Central and Eastern European FF, Luxembourg, 2017 (competition)