Two brothers, who managed to escape Soviet work camp, are unable to escape from each other. They love but at the same time they hate each other. One of them is an artist and a dreamer, the other one – a pragmatic scientist. They are like fire and water. Throughout their lives they had to rely on each other: in the Stalinist work camp, in communist Russia and then, after repatriation, in capitalist Poland.
Their adventurous life consists of continuous adversities that, despite their arguments and quarrels, they are always able to overcome because they stick together. Their age – one of them is 80 and the other 83 years old – does not stand in a way. They are full of vigour and humour and they have lots of new, crazy ideas. The greatest dream of the painter is to organize a big exhibition of his works. It gets fulfilled when he exhibits his painting in European Parliament in Brussels. Meanwhile his house, with several thousands of his paintings, burns down. Will he be able to start his life once again?
- Genre: Documentary
- Country: Poland
- Running time: 68
- Year: 2015
- Color: kolorowy
Director: Wojciech Staroń
Script: Wojciech Staroń
DOP: Wojciech Staroń
Editing: Wojciech Staroń, Zbigniew Osiński
Production company: Staroń Film