“The Butterfly’s Dream” is a story of a heroic fight for the life and health of the lovely Zuzia Macheta – a 7-year-old girl suffering from an incurable genetic disease – EB. It is a multithreaded story about the power of hope, sacrifice and the love of the whole family, that can help you survive the darkest times. Zuzia’s disease makes her suffer with open wounds all over her body, which cause her continual pain that can be compared to being burned with hot water. Children suffering from EB are often called “butterfly children” because their skin is as sensitive as a butterfly’s wing.

Thanks to the solidarity of thousands of people, who believed that they have the power to help, 1,5 mln $ were raised to cover the innovative and risky treatment in USA that might give Zuzia a life without wounds and pain. A long and difficult fight starts, where every day is an emotional rollercoaster and the final award is the life of a girl, whose face is smiling even despite the pain.

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Running time: 91'
  • Year: 2020
  • Color: colour

Director: Jarosław Szmidt

Script: Jarosław Szmidt

DOP: Jarosław Szmidt

Music: Jan A. P. Kaczmarek

Editing: Bartosz Pietras

Sound: Tomasz Dukszta

Production company: Cineo Studio


About the director:

Jarosław Szmidt

Jarosław Szmidt

Jarosław Szmidt – cinematographer and director. A graduate from the Cinematography Department of National Film, Television and Theater School in Lodz. He has made in 2011 as director, cinematographer and co- screenwriter the full-length documentary called “John Paul II – I kept looking for you”, which was seen by ca. 390.000 spectators in Polish cinemas. His professional experience is acknowledged by cinematography work in over hundreds episodes of popular Polish television series. He worked in 1997 as a 2nd assistant director of “Jakob the Liar” movie (dir. Peter Kassovitz), being one of the closest co-workers of Robin Williams. Working as movie director, he has made several documentaries, feature film etudes and commercials broadcasted in many TV stations.

At festivals:

60th Krakow Film Festival, 2020, Poland, 2020 (competition)

27th Minsk International Film Festival 'Listapad', Belarus, 2020 (screening)