„Cabaret Polska” is a creative documentary movie combining documentary and cabaret genres. It is a reflection on the events of March 68’ in Poland. By putting personal testimonies next to made up cabaret scenes, the movie examines the memory of March 68’ and its contemporary influence. It is an odyssey into the Polish and Jewish cultures through personal stories, history, food, languages, songs, and music. The documentary part is made up of interviews and archived materials. The key interviewee is Mr. Ryszard Wójcik – a Polish documentalist who witnessed the events with his camera and recorded testimonies of his friends shortly before their emigration. The interviews with emigrants examine the personal aspect of the March 68’ events, whereas the creative part turns to the metaphorical aspect of the stories told. The cabaret starts when, one day, a cabaret group pays the documentalist Wójcik a visit in his house. They plan to celebrate the 40th anniversary of March 68’. During the day they are dressed as carol singers, but in the evening, just as they enter Mr. Wojcik’s house, they perform as a Cabaret. Its members are: Trio Kolombina, Mr. Żurek, accordionist Fink, who are assisted by Turoń and the citizen of Siam. Later on in the evening they are joined by a secret agent and a puppet of Gomułka.
- Genre: Dokumentalny
- Running time: 49
- Year: 2008
Director: Nir David Zats, Zuzanna Solakiewicz
Script: Nir David Zats, Zuzanna Solakiewicz
DOP: Yossef Wein
Editing: Nir David Zats, Zuzanna Solakiewicz
Production company: Instytut im. Adama Mickiewicza, Transfax Film Production