”El Sueño” is a 2012 documentary film that presents four young people from Poland, who in search of great waves finally find their own paradise on the pacific coast of Mexico. Together with the film crew they end up in Puerto Escondido (Hidden Port), a small picturesque village which as a result of its geographical location, has become famous due to surfing. IDifferent people cross paths in this place, people who are passionate, individuals with common values and lifestyle. Here we meet a Shaman, environmentalist and former bank worker from Mexico City, as well as mysterious Martin, who are– personsople from various corners of the earth, who used to lead similar lives. Their search for passion, real emotions, love and a different ways of life forced them to come to Puerto Escondido, and change their lives. The movie is about surfing, but also pays tribute to all, who are not afraid to pursue their everlasting passion and are fascinated by every human being. Sueño.


  • Genre: Dokumentalny
  • Country: Poland
  • Running time: 33
  • Year: 2012

Director: Jakub Łubniewski, Mikołaj Molenda

Script: Jakub Łubniewski, Mikołaj Molenda

DOP: Jakub Łubniewski, Mikołaj Molenda

Music: Paweł Szamburski, The Phantoms, Alte Zachen

Editing: Wojtek Wlodarski, Tomasz Poszwiński, Jakub Pietrzak

Production company: Front Brand Integrated

About the directors:

Jakub Łubniewski

Born in 1978. In year 2005, graduated from the Leon Schiller Film School in Łódź at the faculty of cinematography, but already as a student, also started directing. For about 4 years, worked as a „two in one“, that is, dealed with directing and cinematography in short forms, that is, advertisements and music videos, which were the beginning of his „career“. He have made about 30 videoclips and about 30 advertisements, several short films made at the school, cooperation in implementation of various independent projects, as well as cooperation with the school of a renowned Polish director, Andrzej Wajda. Developed skills e.g. at the Budapest Cinematography Masterclass 2003 course, conducted by great cameramen: Laszlo Kovacs and Vilmos Zsigmond, during the Berlinale Talent Campus in 2006, as well as during Warsaw Student Kodak Workshops. As for achievements, in year 2004, he was granted a prize for the best cinematography for the music video „Dream“ during the main Polish festival of music videos for a monochrome mastershot. The clip was also granted the 2nd place in the category „music video“ during the Offensiva 2004 festival of independent films. In later years, he was nominated to several prizes for the best cinematography, direction as well as to a Grand Prix. In 2009 he won the award for the best polish music video „Fryderyk 2009“ for the video called „W aucie“ .It was seen over 13 000 000 times on Youtube. As for the advertising, I have cooperated with various agencies (such as Young&Rubicam,Euro RSCG,McCann Ericsson,DDB,Ogilvy) and clients (including Coca-Cola,Danone,Pizza Hut ), always as a director and a D.O.P .In year 2005, I was the second D.O.P. and a cameraman for the art and film project – the Polish western „Summer Love“, directed by a renowned Polish artist, Piotr Uklanski.

Mikołaj Molenda

Molenda graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan in 2007 with a degree in Architecture and Planning. He received a honorable mention in the competition for best Architecture degree organised by SARP in the name of Zbyszek Zawistowski. He has perviously directed surfing films, as well as films using classic animation techniques and 3D. He is currently involved in the creation of art installations which use techniques of video mapping and parametric design. He is also a surfing photographer, with an exhibition in the Association of Polish Artists (ZPAP) in Warsaw. He worked as an architect on the award winning design of the Polish pavillion at Expo 2010 in Shanghai. His life has been associated with surfing for many years.

At festivals:

5th Dokubazaar, Slovenia, 2013 (screening)

AmDocs - The American Documentary Film Festival, USA, 2014 (competition)