”El Sueño” is a 2012 documentary film that presents four young people from Poland, who in search of great waves finally find their own paradise on the pacific coast of Mexico. Together with the film crew they end up in Puerto Escondido (Hidden Port), a small picturesque village which as a result of its geographical location, has become famous due to surfing. IDifferent people cross paths in this place, people who are passionate, individuals with common values and lifestyle. Here we meet a Shaman, environmentalist and former bank worker from Mexico City, as well as mysterious Martin, who are– personsople from various corners of the earth, who used to lead similar lives. Their search for passion, real emotions, love and a different ways of life forced them to come to Puerto Escondido, and change their lives. The movie is about surfing, but also pays tribute to all, who are not afraid to pursue their everlasting passion and are fascinated by every human being. Sueño.
- Genre: Dokumentalny
- Country: Poland
- Running time: 33
- Year: 2012
Director: Jakub Łubniewski, Mikołaj Molenda
Script: Jakub Łubniewski, Mikołaj Molenda
DOP: Jakub Łubniewski, Mikołaj Molenda
Music: Paweł Szamburski, The Phantoms, Alte Zachen
Editing: Wojtek Wlodarski, Tomasz Poszwiński, Jakub Pietrzak
Production company: Front Brand Integrated