Documentary film mixed with animation which tells about an unusual collection of toys. Like most of his peers, the protagonist begun from collecting stamps, drink labels and stickers. Presently his collection consists of a couple hundred thousand objects and he became known as the Emperor of Collectors. Thanks to imagination the toys from his collection are not merely inanimate objects.


  • Genre: Animowany
  • Country: Poland
  • Running time: 10
  • Year: 2012

Director: Grzegorz Wierzchowski, Jarosław Moździerz, Joanna Rusinek, Joanna Wójcik, Tomasz Godfryd

Script: Joanna Wójcik, Joanna Rusinek, Tomasz Godfryd, Grzegorz Wierzchowski

DOP: Tomasz Godfryd

Music: Paweł Romańczuk

Editing: Jarosław Moździerz

Production company: Stowarzyszenie Filmowców Polskich - Studio Munka , Studio Filmowe KRONIKA

About the directors:

Grzegorz Wierzchowski

Grzegorz Wierzchowski

he was trained as an economist, now does lots of things not necessarily connected to his education.

Jarosław Moździerz

Jarosław Moździerz

Born in 1980 in Debica. Graduated from the Rzeszow University. He works as an independent editor, musician and sound effects specialist.

Joanna Rusinek

Joanna Rusinek

in 2006 she graduated from the animation studio led by prof. Jerzy Kucia in the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. She works as a graphic designer designing book covers, illustrating and making animations.

Joanna Wójcik

Joanna Wójcik

animator and graphic designer. She graduated from the animation studio in the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow.

Tomasz Godfryd

Tomasz Godfryd

photographer, cameraman. Graduated from the Film School in Lodz. He does snowboarding and parkour.

At festivals:

StopTrik 2012, Slovenia, 2012 (competition)

Seattle Polish Film Festival, 2012 (screening)

DOK Leipzig, Germany, 2012 (competition)

Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary FF, Canada, 2013 (screening)

12th St. Petersburg International Festival of Debut and Student Films Beginning, Russia, 2013 (competition)

Plotzlich am Meer 2015, Germany, 2015 (screening)