Tadeusz Jaworski, now 86 years old citizen of Canada, once was one of the most outstanding filmmakers in Poland. The trauma of war and banning from Poland in 1969, in result of political "witch-hunt" – is a basis, on which he describe his life and creative activity. This man, who despite being abroad did not yield to the conformity, and has never forgotten about his homeland – is reminiscing the duality of his consciousness. He wants to be faithful both to his origins, and to the culture, which he love since his childhood. But most of all – he wants to be a good man.


  • Genre: Dokumentalny
  • Country: Poland
  • Running time: 51
  • Year: 2012

Director: Grzegorz Królikiewicz

Script: Grzegorz Królikiewicz

DOP: Zbigniew Pietrzkiewicz, Zdzisław Kaczmarek

Music: Gustaw Mahler

Editing: Jarosław Kamiński, Justyna Król

Production company: Studio Filmowe "N" Sp. z o.o.

About the director:

Grzegorz Królikiewicz

Born in  1939. Director, screenwriter, and teacher. Has authored many books and essays on film theory.  He is a professor at the National Polish Film School in Lodz, Poland.  His films have garnered more than 30 awards in Poland (the Golden Lions in Gdynia IFF, among others) and over16 international awards at such festivals as Mannheim-Heidelberg, San Remo, Panama, and Chicago IFF.

From 2003 to 2005, Krolikiewicz took the helm as artistic director at the New Theater (Teatr Nowy) in Lodz.