The ‘My 89 Generation’ project is a crowdsourcing documentary film, that consists of footage recorded by the heroes of the movie themselves: young people born after 1989. We asked them to send us their own films. Out of ten hours of footage we have chosen our seven main characters, young people striving for their
dreams while living through their first loves, betrayals and breakups. These are the stories of Wojtek, Ela, Mikołaj, Martyna, Adam, Łukasz and Małgosia. They are all passion-driven people, who want to make their dreams come true, they seek for love and ways to express their affections and emotions, although they do not always know how to do it properly.


  • Genre: Documentary
  • Country: Poland
  • Running time: 63
  • Year: 2014
  • Color: kolorowy

Director: Paweł Jóźwiak-Rodan

Script: Paweł Jóźwiak-Rodan, Łukasz Ludkowski

DOP: Tomasz Woźniczka, Paweł Jóźwiak-Rodan, Michał Żuberek, Piotr Uznański, Łukasz Czerniawski, Janusz Dybowski, Łukasz Grubski, Ewelina Jasicka, Martyna Kobiela, Paulina Raczkowska, Artur Rozmysł, Adam Rymon-Lipiński, Konrad Śniady

Music: Maciej Jamiołkowski

Editing: Rafał Stos

Production company: Paweł Jóźwiak-Rodan

About the director:

Paweł Jóźwiak-Rodan

Paweł Jóźwiak-Rodan

He is most known as the author of the script, photos, and director of the documentary "My mum, God and Satan” which won numerous international and national awards This film has received, among others, the second prize in the short film category at the International Documentary Film Festival Documenta Madrid. He directed also the short film Osiem9, which has been selected for the competition section East End Film Festival in London and won the Audience Award Unifest in Madrid. His last documentary film “Agnieszka is not here” won The best documentary prize at Zoom Film Festival and Secomd Prize at Off Cinema Festival. Graduated from Directing at the Radio and Television Department of the University of Silesia, and film studies at the University of Łódź.

At festivals:

54th Krakow Film Festival,, 2014 (screening)

Los Angeles Independent Film Festival Awards March, USA , 2015 (competition)

Magwill Film Festival, , 2015 (competition)

8th Columbia Gorge International FF, USA, 2015 (Best Feature-length Documentary)

7th Baghdad International Film Festival, Iraq, 2015 (screening)

12th Verzio International Documentary FF, Hungary, 2015 (screening)