A short documentary film about Adam Kownacki, also known as Baby Face, a heavyweight boxer. The cameras track his several key days before a fight in New York, where he lives, trains and succeeds on a daily basis. Over a few days, Adam tells the story of his past life, his dreams, memories, and difficulties, and shows his real face. It is the face of a boxer who does not know the taste of losing and has an appetite for much more.

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Country: Poland
  • Running time: 26
  • Year: 2020
  • Color: colour

Director: Grzegorz Jankowski

Script: Grzegorz Jankowski

DOP: Adam Palenta

Editing: Jerzy Zawadzki

Production company: Lulu Production

About the director:

Grzegorz Jankowski

Grzegorz Jankowski

 Film and TV director, screenwriter. A graduate of the Andrzej Wajda School of Directing. His film “Polish Shit” (2014) was recognised at several Polish film festivals and his TV commercials and documentary series were awarded twice with Silver and once with Gold Effie Award. He’s currently working on the script for the film “Dzikus” which is based on the boxers’ lives and their immediate environment.