The film tells a story of elderly woman Halina (Jadwiga Jankowska-Cieslak), who makes a difficult decision and stands up for justice and her own dignity. Settling the score is an attempt to address the problem of marginalization of elderly people’s needs and their quality of life. In its form, the film is consistent and well thought through. It allows the viewer to freely interpret the plot and bitterness of its humorous finale.
- Genre: Live action
- Country: Poland
- Running time: 13
- Year: 2019
- Color: colour
Director: Zuzanna Grajcewicz
Script: Ewa Radzewicz, Zuzanna Grajcewicz
DOP: Ewa Radzewicz
Editing: Tomasz Kajetan Naruszewicz
Sound: Lucyna Wielopolska
Production company: Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Filmowa, Telewizyjna i Teatralna