The film is an adaptation of Sarah Teasdale’s poem “There will come soft rains.” It is a subjective artistic vision about the end of the Anthropocene epoch. It depicts a journey across our planet, starting with microscopic close-ups, continuing with shots of wildlife and slowly approaching civilization. Then we see that our world is gone with the last human being and this is not the end but the beginning of a new one.
The film’s shots show an aesthetic landscapes where I greedily relish every moment, because in my feeling, this end may be so close that looking at this world, I already miss it.
- Genre: Animated
- Country: Poland
- Running time: 8
- Year: 2023
- Color: black and white
Director: Olivia Rosa
Script: Olivia Rosa
Music: Oskar Cenkier
Editing: Olivia Rosa
Sound: Jacek Feliks, Olivia Rosa
Production company: Akademia Sztuk Pięknych, Pracownia Filmu Animowanego