The animated film “The Bridge” is a touching story about The Siberian Children. The film is inspired by historical events of the first diplomatic relations between Poland and Japan. The film “The Bridge” is told from the perspective of one of The Siberian Children, a ten-year-old boy named Janek. The main character, who is the leader of Polish children orphans in Siberia, feels responsible for the group, behaves like an adult man, cannot be a defenseless and ordinary child. Every day in an endless, cold, foggy, terrifying land is a struggle to survive and overcome hunger, sadness, hopelessness, longing for parents, home and love. One day, unknown rescuers of the Japanese Red Cross come to the rescue, who in the eyes of children look like giants. The children are saved by the Japanese, they are taken to the Land of the Rising Sun, where they receive medical care, a hot meal, a roof over their heads and the love of those who made a family for them. Janek meets there Haru, an energetic girl. She becomes Janek’s guide through the unknown, beautiful, warm and colorful new world – Japan. Haru becomes his teacher of a different culture, but also teaches him how to be a child. Janek regains his childhood. When little Poles regain their health, it is time to part. The friendship between Polish and Japanese children has created an unbreakable bond.

  • Genre: Animated
  • Country: Poland
  • Running time: 22
  • Year: 2022
  • Color: colour

Director: Izumi Yoshida

Script: Izumi Yoshida, Paulina Skibińska

DOP: Jan Paweł Trzaska

Music: Didier Falk

Editing: Gabriel Goubet

Sound: Kinane Moualla

Production company: Likaon

About the director:

Izumi Yoshida

Izumi Yoshida

Izumi Yoshida (born in 1989). Lodz Film School graduate. Since 2017 she’s been lecturer at Art School in Lodz. Her first film “Kinks” that were nominated in many festivals and won many awards including one at Split Film Festival in Croatia and another on Animator in Poland. In 2019 she’s been Polish Film Institute’s expert in animation film domain.


2015 – Kinki

At festivals:

15th International Animated Film Festival Animator, Poland, 2022 (competition)

14th Festival Stop Motion Montreal, Canada, 2022 (competition)

42nd Brussels International Animation Film Festival Anima 2023, Belgium, 2023 (screening)

14th ONE Country ONE Film International Festival, France, 2023 (competition)

20th International Human Rights Film Festival in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2023 (screening)

Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia 2023, Japan, 2023 (Best Short Award of Animation Competition)

20th IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival, Bulgaria, 2023 (competition)

21st Ischia Film Festival, Italy, 2023 (competition)

38th ALPINALE Short Film Festival, Austria, 2023 (competition)

Nancy International Film Festival 2023, France, 2023 (Special Mention from the High School Jury)

40th Tehran International Short Film Festival, Iran, 2023 (competition)

49th FILMETS Badalona Film Festival, Spain, 2023 (competition)

Canlandıranlar Film Festival 2023, Turkey, 2023 (competition)

Banjaluka 2023 International Animated Film Festival, Bosnia & Hercegovina, 2023 (competition)

The Festival de la Petite école du film court, 2023, France, 2023 (competition)

35th Aguilar Film Festival, Spain, 2023 (Senior Jury Award)

13th Tehran International Animation Festival, Iran, 2024 (competition)

Nippon Connection Japanese Film Festival 2024, Germany, 2024 (competition)