A tale of a girl who studied animation and spent four years without a day of vacation. An animated short about a film school student who is working on her graduation film.

  • Genre: Animated
  • Country: Poland
  • Running time: 8
  • Year: 2022
  • Color: colour

Director: Julia Orlik

Script: Julia Orlik

Music: Bartłomiej Orlik

Editing: Aleksandra Rosset

Sound: Bogdan Klat

Production company: PWSFTviT (Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Filmowa, Telewizyjna i Teatralna)


About the director:

Julia Orlik

Julia Orlik

A graduate from the Lodz Film School with the specialization in Animated Film and Special Effects. Born in Katowice in 1996. At present she’s a resident of Krupski Młyn, where all her time-lapse films were made in her family garage. In addition to animation, she is also interested in bloody special effects, film make-up and conducting film workshops with children and teenagers.


Bankiet (2016) / Banquet (2016)

Mój dziwny starszy brat (2018) / My Strange Older Brother (2018)

Quidquid Latine dictum sit, altum videtur (2019)

Jestem tutaj / I’m here (2020)

At festivals:

World Festival of Animated Film - Animafest Zagreb 2022, Croatia, 2022 (competition)

20th Tirana International Film Festival 2022, Albania, 2022 (competition)

CinEast Central and Eastern European Film Festival in Luxembourg 2022, 2022 (Audience Award)

38th Warsaw Film Festival, Poland, 2022 (screening)

65th International Festival of Documentary and Animated Film DOK Leipzig, Germany, 2022 (competition)

46th International Animated Film Festival Cinanima, Portugal, 2022 (screening)

Animateka International Animated Film Festival 2022, Slovenia, 2022 (competition)

32nd Flickerfest International Short Film Festival, Australia, 2023 (competition)

2023 Santa Barbara International Film Festival, USA, 2023 (competition)

42nd Brussels International Animation Film Festival Anima 2023, Belgium, 2023 (competition)

24th Ismailia International Film Festival for Documentaries and Short Films, Egypt, 2023 (competition)

Kaboom Animation Festival 2023, The Netherlands, 2023 (screening)

ANIFILM 2023 - International Festival of Animated Films, Czech Republic, 2023 (competition)

Animatricks International Animation Festival 2023, Finland, 2023 (competition)

19th FEST|New Directors, New Films Festival, Portugal, 2023 (Honorable Mention)

38th Valencia International Film Festival - Cinema Jove, Spain, 2023 (competition)

Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival, Israel, 2023 (competition)

8th Indie Street Film Festival, USA, 2023 (competition)

The Smalls Film Festival 2023, United Kingdom, 2023 (Best Student Film)

20th European Animated Film Festival Balkanima, Serbia, 2023 (competition)

23. Un Festival C’est Trop Court 2023, France, 2023 (competition)

Tbilisi International Student Film Festival 2023, Georgia, 2023 (Best Animation Film)

Primanima World Festival of First Animations 2023, Hungary, 2023 (competition)

9th BitBang Videogames and Digital Arts Festival, Argentina, 2023 (competition)

Shorts Not Pants Film Festival 2023, Canada, 2023 (competition)

42nd FILMSCHOOLFEST MUNICH, Germany, 2023 (competition)

London International Animation Festival 2023, United Kingdom, 2023 (competition)

Anilogue International Animation Festival 2023, Hungary, 2023 (competition)

36th Premiers Plans Film Festival, France, 2024 (Prize of Extra Short )

36th Premiers Plans Film Festival, France, 2024 (competition)

ŠOBLĖ STUDENT FILM FESTIVAL 2024, Lithuania, 2024 (screening)

34th Mediawave International Film and Music Festival, Hungary, 2024 (competition)