An animated short film depicting the life of Edie Sedgwick, model, actress, and star of Andy Warhol’s films. The film, however, is not about her relationship with Warhol, but the relationship with her abusive father. Her difficult childhood has cast a shadow on her adult life, soaked with alcohol and filled with drugs. After an explosive rise and debut in New York’s fashion scene thanks to her forward-thinking style, her fall occurs as quickly due to conflicts in her private life overshadowing her public persona. The protagonists are depicted in silhouettes, resembling papern cut-outs or puppets from a shadow theatre. Their character traits are embodied by animal motifs, to achieve a universal story rather than a specific story; whether or not you are famous, sometimes it is too late to reverse fate. “Too Late” – is a tribute to the “Queen of the Underground” for the 50th anniversary of her death. The soundtrack of the film was produced by Robert Margouleff, who was Edie’s friend, a co-producer of “Ciao! Manhattan” (her final film before her death at age 28) and a Grammy Award winner for his work with Stevie Wonder.
- Genre: Animated
- Country: Poland
- Running time: 15
- Year: 2021
- Color: colour / black and white
Director: Kinga Syrek
Script: Kinga Syrek
DOP: Kinga Syrek
Music: Kinga Syrek, Aaron „Zeus” Zepeda, Stanisław Saługa
Editing: Kinga Syrek
Sound: Robert Margouleff, Gio Bertuccelli
Production company: Akademia Sztuk Pięknych, Pracownia Filmu Animowanego