Krzysztof and Ida inhabit and administrate an old tenement house in Zlota Street, in the heart of Warsaw, which Krzysztof inherited from his Jewish ancestors. The property has been restored to the descendants of its lawful owners during the reprivatization process. Their story intermingles with the stories of their multicultural neighbors, a 94-year-old retired accountant, an Afghani man and his Ukrainian wife or a refugee from Syria. Zlota is a story about contemporary Poland, about looking for your own place in the world and about painful relationships with loved ones.

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Country: Poland
  • Running time: 84
  • Year: 2019
  • Color: colour

Director: Tomasz Knittel

Script: Tomasz Knittel

DOP: Maciej Puczynski

Music: José Manuel Albán Juárez

Editing: Arkadiusz Iwaniuk

Production company: Maciej Puczynski, Tomasz Knittel


About the director:

Tomasz Knittel

Tomasz Knittel

Tomasz Knittel – director of documentary movies and short films. He has just finished a mini documentary series about Polish post communist blocks od flats. The creator of the sensational “Elektro_sonda”, a futuristic music film with the participation of top Polish electronic music groups (Kamp, Bokka, Rysy, amongst others).

He loves documentary music films and has dedicated several of them to this topic –  “From Podserednieje with Love” (2015), a film about an American who falls in love with a Russian dancer, “Bandmasters” (2016), a film about Polish traditional music, “Poland – Path of Dance” (2016), a film about the Polish and Swedish music project, „Mieczysław Karlowicz” (2017) is a documentary about one of the most important Polish composers.

His latest movie „Universam Grochów” (2018) has won a lot of awards (58th Krakow Film Festival, 34th Warsaw Film Festiwal, Grand Prix Kameralne Lato) and has just started its international festival career. Currently he is working on a new documentary project  called ‘Identity’ which will have a premiere in 2019.

At festivals:

Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival 2020, Canada, 2020 (screening)