The latest film by Jerzy Kucia, "Fugue for Cello, Trumpet and Landscape" won the Golden Horseman Animation award at 27th Filmfest Dresden. The festival ended last Sunday, April 19.

"Fugue for Cello, Trumpet and Landscape," the latest animation by Jerzy Kucia, was appreciated by the jury of the 27th FilmFest Dresden, consisting of Alexandre Dostie from Canada, Tamaki Okamoto from Japan and Daniel Elliot from Great Britain. The jury honoured the film with the Golden Horseman Animation award.

In the justification of the jury's verdict, we can read: "This short movie is a bold statement to the craft of animation film. In a time where the cinema medium is often subordinate to phones and tablets, this is a genuine love letter to the big screen. The filmmaker dares you to embark, all senses in alert, into a hypnotizing journey, immersed under various layers of images and sound. A stimulating filmic experience that breaches through time and space, allowing you to create your own."

This year's, twenty-seventh edition of the Filmfest Dresden festival was held from 14 to 19 April. "Fugue for Cello, Trumpet and Landscape" was the only Polish film screened in the competition section of the festival. In various non-competitive sections, the following films were also screened: "Decrescendo" by Marta Minorowicz, "The Baths" by Tomasz Ducki, "An Incredibly Elastic Man" by Karolina Specht, "Awakened" by Karolina Malinowska and "Exhale" by Maciej Wiktor.

For the first time, the festival was accompanied by the Visegrad countries forum, Visegrad in Short(s), within the frames of which presentations of Visegrad countries short film landscapes were held. Krakow Film Foundation was the Polish partner of the forum, and its representative Marta Świątek, together with Michalina Fabijańska from the Munk Studio, presented the situation of short film in Poland.

The full list of awarded films can be found at the festival's website