This time, the short documentary film by Karol Lindholm was appreciated at the Lithuanian Scanorama festival. The film received the special mention in the section New Baltic Cinema.

The European Film Forum Scanorama is an international film festival held in several Lithuanian cities. In the programme, there are 130 outstanding productions from all over the world. Most of the films have been shown at the most important festivals such as Cannes and Berlinale. There is also no lack of industry space at the Scanorama, this year, 20 masterclasses with professionals from the film industry were held.

This year, two Polish documentary films were invited to the festival. In addition to the film “In A Lion,” awarded the special mention, the film  “Dam,” directed by Natalia Koniarz, also had a chance to win a statuette.

In the awarded documentary film, Karol Lindholm portraits the Danish zoo, where families with children come on a Sunday afternoon in winter. This day, a special attraction waits for everyone. The employees of the zoo prepared an extraordinary mystery play connected with the body of a young lion. The animals are also beautiful on the inside. However, not all of the viewers submit to the charm of the spectacle…

This year’s edition of the Lithuanian festival took place from the 8th to the 18th of November.

You can find more information about Scanorama on the website of the festival.