The 17th edition of the festival that that is one of the leading European documen¬tary film events film events—Visions du Réel in Nyon, Switzerland–will be held in the first part of April. There will be three Polish titles screened in the competition. One of them will celebrate its world premiere, the other one–international premiere.

At the Edge of Rus­sia by Michał Mar­czak, Slowly by Tomasz Wol­ski and Phnom Penh Lul­laby by Paweł Kloc were selec­ted to the com­petition of this year’s Visions du Réel. For two last of them it will be the first chance to be presented at the inter­national level of documen­tary cinema.

Slowly by Tomasz Wol­ski is a story in which–as Lech Moliń­ski wrote in his article for Polish film por­tal Stop­klatka–the lan­guage is pushed aside to the back­ground, however, the image plays an impor­tant role, creating in every detail a per­fec­tly thought struc­ture and har­monious rhythm. The film depicts a peaceful, modest lives of three men–Michał, Jan and Mate­usz–represen­ting three generations. Almost without a word, with humility, they do their everyday, routine chores. How dif­ferent is it from the scenes taking place several metres away from their farm, where a busy street, con­stan­tly pas­sing cars and noise embody a totally dif­ferent world.

Phnom Penh Lul­laby by Paweł Kloc is an intimate story of a man searching for love and accep­tance. Ilan Schick­man left Israel dreaming of a new life. He now lives in Phnom Penh, Cam­bodia, with his Khmer girl­friend Saran and two daugh­ters Marie, 2 years old, and Jasmine, 6 mon­ths, trying to make ends meet as a street fortune-​teller. Paweł Kloc’s feature-​length documen­tary debut will be also screened at Hot Docs in Toronto and Doc/​Fest Sheffield, UK. His Polish premiere will take place at this year’s 51st Krakow Film Festival.

At the Edge of Rus­sia by Michał Mar­czak is a story about Alexei, a nineteen year old recruit, per­forming his military service on the fron­tier of nor­thern Rus­sia. The base is one of a few of such out­posts remaining at the Arc­tic Ocean guar­ding this vast bor­der on the remote frin­ges of the great Rus­sian state. There are five other seasoned and long serving sol­diers stationed here, each with their own per­sonal story or a secret that has caused them to retreat from the real world. Their training and breaking in the newcomer is sometimes humorous and at times harsh. Gradually, each of them reveals something about them­selves in their daily interac­tions and private moments as they con­tinue their absurd duty in this snow covered no man’s land, hun­dreds of miles from the nearest human set­tlement.

Polish accents will mark their presence not only on the festival screen, but also in the Doc Outlook-​International Market (DOCM) as the part of Polish Docs project which is organized by the Krakow Film Foun­dation with the sup­port of the Polish Film Institute.

11 Polish titles will be presen­ted in the Doc Outlook Mar­ket:

* A Piece of Sum­mer, dir. Marta Minorowicz
A Screening at the Tatry Cinema, dir. Igor Chojna
* At the Edge of Rus­sia, dir. Michał Mar­czak
* Beats of Freedom, dir. Woj­ciech Słota, Leszek Gnoiń­ski
* Inven­tory, dir. Paweł Łoziń­ski
Let’s Run Away From Her, dir. Mar­cin Koszałka
On the Road, dir. Leszek Dawid
Out of Reach, dir. Jakub Stożek
Phnom Penh Lul­laby, dir. Paweł Kloc
Scrap Oddys­sey, dir. Paweł Fer­dek, Łukasz Gutt
Slowly, dir. Tomasz Wol­ski

In previous editions of the festival Polish documen­tary was present in Nyon many times, and what is more, it has also appeared among the win­ners. In 2003 Mar­cin Koszałka received the Prix Etat de Vaud for his film Such A Nice Son I Gave Birth To and in 2008 the same film­maker won the Prix du jury inter­religieux for his feature-​length documen­tary The Existence. It is worth adding that last year The Dog Hill by Grzegorz Zariczny had its inter­national premiere at the Visions du Réel, and just like–Rab­bit à la Ber­lin by Bar­tek Konopka in 2009.

Visions du Réel–as one of the most impor­tant European events dedicated to documen­tary ciemna–each year welcomes hun­dreds of inter­national film­makers and industry delegates from all around the world to Nyon. There were the most excel­lent and famous names among them: Johan van der Keuken, Robert Kramer, Alexandr Sokourov, Robert Frank, Raymond Depardon or Frederick Wiseman. Moreover, Visions du Réel offers the wide range of industry events such as Inter­national Co-​production Market, pit­ching forums (Pitching du Réel and Pitching RTS Perspectives d’un Doc), series of distribution and inter­national produc­tion meetings (Docs in Progress programme) and digital videolibrary.

This year’s edition of Visions du Réel will be held from 7th to 13th April.

More infor­mation can be found at www​.visions​dureel​.ch.